Summer has kept me busy, but I am still making progress on my tool chest. All I have left to do is make the lid and finish painting it. Thought I would share some pictures in its current state.
A few things I've done different is I've added a drawer for my large chisels and a shelf for awkward sized tools like my bow saw and large gauges. I also designed my locking battens to run inside of the door supports. My saw tills are nothing fancy, but they are more universal so if I change saw sizes I won't have to redesign the tills.
The box is heavy but I can still muscle it around. I really like this design everything is easy to get to and when I take it to living history events I will be able to lock it up.

In other news I came across a Cesar Chelor molding plane at local rural museum. It was displayed with a bunch of trashed out nineteenth century tools that anyone could pickup and play with. It took a bit of convincing the staff that this was a special plane of historical significance and should be safe guarded. After offering to buy it (for a large sum of money) and providing them with documentation of its importance they now realize its not some old junk plane donated by a farmer. Actually an old farmer did donate it in 1995 just before he passed away. He must have still been using it because it has wood jammed in the throat. I will have more on this story later.
Nice job! I like how you ran the lock bars through the battens, that is a nice touch. The carving on the edges of the shelves is a neat detail too.
It is very nice and as you said it gives you the ability to lock up your tools at demonstrations. I like the design and the access to the tools as well. Those are some of the reasons which might lead me to build one. Thanks for posting.
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